Főoldal > Blog aktualit EN > JOHNNY SERVIS got quality certified in Hungary

"Perfect customer service and communication to the customers are the key points of our corporate strategy but at the same time we lay great emphasis on ecology. We are not indifferent to the environment we live in. This fact is taken into consideration before adding new products to our portfolio, "says Matthew Duras, JOHNNY SERVIS CEO.
One of the example is the offer of mobile flood protection system Tiger Dam, whose use is hundred percent organic unlike sandbags. JOHNNY SERVIS emphasizes the high quality sanitary installation by launching new products, such as luxury sanitary trailers FIVE STAR with no touch controls or mobile toilets for women JENNY providing users greater comfort.
Acquired ISO 9001, 14001 and 18001 certificates guarantee quality products and services, maximum safety and health protection at work and corporate operation in harmony with nature.